"TransitionEndEvent" occur multiple times

Hello. I ran into a problem, TransitionEndEvent is called several times. Found a discussion about the fact that the call occurs because of several parameters in the transition. For example, if the size and position change then TransitionEndEvent is called twice. Now, the question is, is it possible to make a check to see if the whole transition is complete? I do not need this event to be called for each parameter separately, but I have not found an alternative that would cause an event at the complete end of the transition.

I am using the event’s timestamp to check whether the transitionEndEvent triggered too quickly. This is NOT a proper way to do this, and also, I think this is a bug (if this is a “design choice”, this is not a good design). My example solution:

private void OnTransitionEnd(TransitionEndEvent evt)
            if(_lastTimestamp + 10 > evt.timestamp) // 10ms is small enough to check. Sometimes there's little difference between properties' end timestamp, like 3-5ms. I am playing safe (?) here.

            // Handle TransitionEndEvent

            _lastTimestamp = evt.timestamp;

Thanks for the reply. I found another solution: you can check “is transition affects property”. Maybe this solution can be useful for you too.

    private void OnTransitionEnd(TransitionEndEvent evt)
        if (evt.AffectsProperty(new StylePropertyName("scale")))
            // Do something