Translate through a list of nodes

Hey I have recently created a simple a* pathfind script for my game. The Astar works fine. it returns the right path and everything. the problem I am haveing is whn I want to translate the players position from node to node. I have tried Vector3.Lerp and also the MoveObject script from the wiki. The both translate but it goes from the start to end without hitting the other nodes.

// Search for shortest path
AStar.GetInstance().Search( currentPos, hexPosition );

// If path found move player
if( AStar.GetInstance().IsPathFound() == true )
    // Get the path and flip it
    var newPath = AStar.GetInstance().GetPath();        

    for( index = 0; index < newPath.length; ++index )
        currentPlayer.transform.position = Vector3.Slerp(currentPlayer.transform.position, newPath[ index ].transform.position, 10 );               

        //MoveObject.GetInstance().Translation( currentPlayer.transform , currentPlayer.transform.position, newPath[ i ].transform.position, 10, 1 );               
    print( " Path not found" );

The problem is that you're just going through all of them in a single loop - you needto gradually move towards the next goal, when you hit that, change the current goal to the one after it until you hit the end

Also - don't use Slerp for anything non-spherical

Using MoveObject, it should be something like (not tested):

for (i = 0; i < newPath.length; i++) {
    yield MoveObject.use.Translation (currentPlayer.transform, currentPlayer.transform.position, newPath*.transform.position, 10.0, MoveType.Time);*