I was watching the female movement animset pro asset video(here) and something caught my eye. At the 1:13ish mark there appear to be translucent gel like cubes(green). How do I achieve this effect? I’ve tried a solid transparent material but that didn’t really achieve it. Could someone point me in the right direction? Or maybe it’s just a hazy glass material I don’t know, later in the video there’s a green elevator using a similar material that does not appear to be semi-transparent. Apologies if I posted this in the wrong section.
I’m pretty sure they’re just shiny green metallic standard materials, nothing fancy or translucent about them.
I found it, but your right I guess bloom or something gave it the effect I was looking for, the elevator looks pretty metallic in comparison to the other cubes (the one being climbed earlier before the elevator. This is what I want it’s just got a few quirks Translucent / Translucency Shader - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
I went through so many hoops getting this just right. The shader I posted above works, but certain angles don’t look right and sometimes you get weird shadows. Now I thought well maybe a skin shader would do the trick, and for the most part it did, and from the same shader pack Lux-Translucency-Specular worked wonders.