Transparency seeing back of model

Hey I’m trying add transparency to a model so that when the model is blocking the view from camera to the player it goes semi transparent. This works fine the issue I’m having is when I make the material transparent So I can achieve this effect the model become transparent on itself.

I haven’t used transparency in this way before so im hoping im just doing something wrong.

Left is just a Diffuse, right is transparency diffuse. Alpha on colour is full so there should be no transparency

You have a problem with z-order. Alpha semi-transparent objects have to be ordered before painting (sorted from far to near, check painter’s algorithm).

When you have big elements, like your model in the scene, it’s difficult to order them correctly. Can you make the objects behind opaque or cutout? If it’s possible that would help.

If that’s not an option, you can consider using changing your model’s material shader renderQueue. But I guess that’s more complicated and advanced.