Transparent backgrounds in Unity Pro

Warning, I am a newbee.

I am trying to create some augmented reality apps using Unity. In order to accomplish this, I need a way to have a transparent or non-existent background so I can superimpose 3D objects on a screen with external feeds (like a live camera) behind it.

Is there a way to define a transparent background in Unity Pro?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Hi, welcome to the forum!

The camera has a setting called Clear Flags, which can be changed in the inspector. If you set the clear flags to Depth Only, the camera will not render any background image. This means that you can have two cameras active in a scene at the same time and use one for the background and another to overlay objects on it. You will need a plugin to pull in the live video, but you should be able to render this behind scene objects using this technique.