Transparent blur over GUI element

Yes, another one of these. I couldn’t find tutorial that would bring me anywhere, so am I stuck with willing to create something like this:

However, I want to prove that I’m not just a SoB and I actually sought for it. Here and on internet (short list of just part of the web-items that I found, and why they don’t help):

Unity - Blur Behind Window - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
“- Made a new camera, depth only, culling mask as nothing”
Setting Culling Mask as nothing, doesn’t affect the UI displayed. It’s still there, and it’s only camera.
I won’t even read further, because this is already an ending problem.

Blur game when displaying UI - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions
refers to
IndieEffects: Bringing (almost) AAA quality Post-Process FX to Unity Indie - Community Showcases - Unity Discussions
Looking at the Unity Player provided (at the bottom). It blurs out ENTIRE screen, not certain parts of it.

Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
Doesn’t actually blur, the arrows don’t affect the plane. Also, this is a in-game blur, not GUI semi-transparent image blur which I’m looking for.

The list keeps going on, I’ve been to about 30 websites (articles/videos/here-by-topics), and I couldn’t find something that would help me create such effect, after a while, the results became even less relevant so I just dropped idea of seeking. The aricles were either not updated, misunderstood (by me and/or by others). Shaders were either to paid for or I had to register/login on a website that after 3 hours hasn’t sent verification link yet. The video were only about transparency or about something entirely different (talking about culling mask, while GUI here remains unaffected).

I know you’re probably tired of this question getting repeated over, and over, and over again. But my situation isn’t that bright either :stuck_out_tongue:

I don’t mind working, you don’t need to give me straight answer or project, just point me the way, I don’t mind making 200 mind-burning steps, as long as I would see the result. (I don’t know how shaders work, at least how they’re programmed)

The last link to the shader in the asset store does work fine for me. not 100% the kind of blur as in your example image but close.
Just import the asset , make a material with that shader, create a Image component in the GUI and assign the blur material into the material slot of the image component.
Then you can put your other components over the blur image.

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Yes! Made material out of shader, applied material over blurred element (not the image itself) now it “overlaps”. Great! That is what I sought for! Thanks, geez, finally, feels good, not satisfying though( :frowning: haven’t worked for it)

Thank you :slight_smile: