Unity 6000.0.34f1
URP 17.0.3
When using deferred rendering, transparent objects cannot receive additionalLight shadows,I found that the reason is that the order of the attributes “_AdditionalShadowParams” and “_AdditionalLightsWorldToShadow” does not correspond to the index of forwardLight.
Thanks for flagging this. Could you file a bug report?
Thank you!
Sent. Check “AdditionalLightsShadowCasterPass.Setup".
A new question, in ”UniversalCameraData.cs“.
public Matrix4x4 GetProjectionMatrix(int viewIndex = 0)
if (xr.enabled)
return m_JitterMatrix * xr.GetProjMatrix(viewIndex);
return m_JitterMatrix * m_ProjectionMatrix;
internal Matrix4x4 GetGPUProjectionMatrix(bool renderIntoTexture, int viewIndex = 0)
return m_JitterMatrix * GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(GetProjectionMatrix(viewIndex), renderIntoTexture);
Should be ?
internal Matrix4x4 GetGPUProjectionMatrix(bool renderIntoTexture, int viewIndex = 0)
return GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(GetProjectionMatrix(viewIndex), renderIntoTexture);
When enable TAA, i construct position world space using unity_MatrixInvVP and the depthTexture I get wrong positionWS,changing this solved the problem.
Thanks for the bug report. I saw it internally (IN-93606).
Do you use a custom ScripableRenderPass? If yes, could you use GetGPUProjectionMatrixNoJitter there instead?
I have tried it, the result is right only when I use “GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(GetProjectionMatrix(viewIndex), renderIntoTexture)”.
StencilDeferred.hlsl using _ScreenToWorld to calculate the world space without using unity_MatrixInvVP. When using unity_MatrixInvVP, positionWS will jitter.
UNITY_MATRIX_I_VP = inverseViewMatrix*(m_JitterMatrix * GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(GetProjectionMatrix(viewIndex), renderIntoTexture)).Inverse;
float3 positionWS = ComputeWorldSpacePosition(uv, depth, UNITY_MATRIX_I_VP);
UNITY_MATRIX_I_VP = inverseViewMatrix*(GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(GetProjectionMatrixNoJitter(viewIndex), renderIntoTexture)).Inverse;
float3 positionWS = ComputeWorldSpacePosition(uv, depth, UNITY_MATRIX_I_VP);
UNITY_MATRIX_I_VP = inverseViewMatrix*(GL.GetGPUProjectionMatrix(GetProjectionMatrix(viewIndex), renderIntoTexture)).Inverse;
float3 positionWS = ComputeWorldSpacePosition(uv, depth, UNITY_MATRIX_I_VP)