we just faced this problem which is quite weird.
I have 2 groups of objects which have mobile/transparent vertex color shader assigned to their material. now the problem is in come certain camera angle these object either have weird cutoffs or just totally disappeared. now when I change the camera height or angle these objects appear or the cutoff problem is gone. having said that, our camera is stationary and we certainly do not like to relocate it.
any solutions?
ok, I actually figured it out.
just in case others have the same problem:
when you are have 2 object in front of camera and in front of eachother and they both have transparency assigned specially if they have transparent texture like PNG files, make sure that at least the one behind is using alpha cut off not regular simple transparency shader.
Another solution if you want to keep your Lit shader is to go to your transparent material and set the sorting priority in Advanced Options on the material to 50.
Sounds like a problem of Clipping Planes. Go to your Camera object, then both reduce the Near vale and increase Far value. This should solve the problem, let us know!
Have tried playing with near and far clip already no result there. Apparently it’s an issue with two transparent objects in front of eachother.
If you look into the last shader from the page Unity - Manual: ShaderLab: legacy alpha testing
you can notice they turn off ZWrite.
Adding ZWrite off to every passes of your shader should do the trick. At least, it did for me.
problem solved…change the shader to transperant cutout…thanx raminsh
A little bit late for an answer but…
I had a similar problem and the solution is to play with the material render queue.
Both of your transparencies/reflections are rendering at the same queue position, move the position and one of them should always render before the other.
If you are working with a standard material you need to add the render queue: