Transparent SSR seen through another transparent SSR

Is it possible to for example have a transparent window surface with SSR, and see another transparent SSR surface on the other side of this glass?

Any input on this is much appreciated! Thanks!

Hey, I have doubts on what you mean by “see another transparent SSR surface of the other side of this glass” but

Receiving SSR on a transparent forces a depth pre pass, so after that you won’t be able to see any regular transparent behind that.

However, if you put the glass that’s behind in the Before Refraction rendering pass, you will be able to see it inded.

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Maybe this will help (it’s a post documenting our own approach for achieving transparent over transparent, with fake refraction on both layers.

Showcase - How do draw multiple layers of transparent surfaces that include refraction - Unity Forum


My use case is a cocpit glass window, which I want to SSR transparent on material, then there is a ocean surface outside the glass which also has SSR transparent enabled on the material. I am not sure if this is the same case as @mgeorgedeveloper_1 reference in his excellent post, or if I can choose a simpler route for my use case. I am not using refraction.

If you are talking about the HDRP water system, so indeed, there shouldn’t be an issue.
You should be able to have a transparent receving ssr and be able to see the water behind it (also receiving SSR).

Water is a special case of transparent in HDRP so it bypasses some limitations you would have if you used 2 HDRP/Lit shaders.

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Is there a way to order 2 Lit shaders for this to work for SSR?

Can you clarify your use case here because I’m not sure I understand it :slight_smile: