Transparent textures

I’ve added a simple blood screen, now when i want to make the blood texture transparent i cant because i don’t know how, i am not using a material just a texture.

Use an alpha mask in your paint programs and a Transparent shader on your material

  1. Your image must not be in JPG format. Make sure you have it as a PNG, or TGA, or PSD or any other format that supports alpha channels.
  2. Your image must have an alpha channel. There are four channels in an images, red, blue, green, and alpha. An alpha channel is what gives it transparency. If your image doesn’t have an alpha channel you can give it one in programs like Photoshop or GIMP, but you can also choose Alpha from Grayscale in your Unity image import options. That will convert the darkest parts of your image transparent.
  3. Make sure when you do GUI.DrawTexture, the fourth parameter, the alphaBlend boolean is true. This makes Unity alpha blend the image on to the display, which is what you want.