Sorry if this is the wrong forum to post this on. I didn’t put it under shader lab because I thought that may be dedicated to writing Unity shaders.
Ok what I have is a car with a reflective/diffuse shader. I then add a dull cubemap to give it that reflective look. So what I want to do is add decals to the car. The decal is a transparrent PNG that fit the car because of the UVW I built in 3d studio.
I tried transparrent/Cutout/Diffuse but no matter what shader I tried over the reflective shader I get a lot of Z-fighting on the texture.
I tried placing the reflective shader as element 0 and the cutout on element 1 and the other way around. I just can’t get rid of the Z-fighting. I then tried different shaders other then cutout/diffuse, but I had the same z-fighting with each one.
As a side note I made my reflective/diffuse shader just Diffuse and the png looked fine, but I then lost the reflective cubemap.
If you are using the same geometry for car and decals, you’d want to render both with the same shader. You need to make a custom shader which combines the textures (use multiple SetTexture calls), or multiple passes.
THanks I thought I would need to create a custom shader.
If I where to use 2 models one with the cutout shader and one with the reflective shader. Do you think that will decrease performance? Like would it be faster to use a customer shader or 2 models?
um, 10000x faster using a customer shader. Why would you render 2 lots of geometry instead? Even forgetting about probable z-buffering issues, its a dramatic extra overhead.
Look over the current shaders and you will quickly find/learn enough to be able to copy and paste some shader code around and tweak to get an extra texture layer in there working as a decal.