Transperent GUI Text?

Hello Everyone
i have a GameObject [GUI Text]

i want the Text Show Up With Time From Transparent To The Orange Color
then Disappear after few Sec from Orange Color To Transparent …

i hope someone can help

You can fade a GUI.Label by changing the alpha value in the GUI.color. You need to save and restore the color value if you are outputting other GUI elements. Example:

public class FadeAGUI : MonoBehaviour {
	public Color colorT =;

	void Update () {
		colorT.a = Mathf.PingPong(Time.time, 1.0f);
	void OnGUI() {
		Color colorSave = GUI.color;
		GUI.color = colorT;
		GUI.Label (new Rect(25,25,200,50), "Line one");
		GUI.color = colorSave;
		GUI.Label (new Rect(25,50,200,50), "Line two");

Dude its something simple, you will have fun of it!

var yourGuiText:GUIText;

function Update()
    yourGuiText.material.color.a -= 0.01;

Note that you can play with this as you want, remember that Update function is called once per frame, most likely to be 25 frames per second.
This means your guiText will need 10 seconds to fade out in this case.
aplha = 0 means transparent , alpha = 1 means fully opage…

Thanks Guyz For Replaying…

@robertbu can i do it on 3D Text?

@moghes thx. i will test it. so color.a = 1 . that mean 255?

and i should put the script inside the 3D Text right?

but there is problem. that 3D Text have the materiel inside Mesh Renderer.