Traslate C# to JS

Need traslate the example Locomotion System C# to Javascript. Help!

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class PhysicsCharacterMotor : CharacterMotor {

public GameObject character;
public float SpeedAnim;

public float maxRotationSpeed = 270;
public bool useCentricGravity = false;
public LayerMask groundLayers;
public Vector3 gravityCenter =;

void Awake () {
	rigidbody.freezeRotation = true;
	rigidbody.useGravity = false;
	character.animation["run"].speed = SpeedAnim;
	character.animation["run"].layer = 1;
	character.animation["fly"].layer = 1;
	character.animation["idle"].layer = 1;

private void AdjustToGravity() {
	int origLayer = gameObject.layer;
	gameObject.layer = 2;
	Vector3 currentUp = transform.up;
	//Vector3 gravityUp = (transform.position-gravityCenter).normalized;
	float damping = Mathf.Clamp01(Time.deltaTime*5);
	RaycastHit hit;
	Vector3 desiredUp =;
	for (int i=0; i<8; i++) {
		Vector3 rayStart =
			transform.position + transform.up + Quaternion.AngleAxis(360*i/8.0f, transform.up) * (transform.right*0.5f) + desiredVelocity*0.2f;
		if ( Physics.Raycast(rayStart, transform.up*-2, out hit, 3.0f, groundLayers.value) ) {
			desiredUp += hit.normal;
	desiredUp = (currentUp+desiredUp).normalized;
	Vector3 newUp = (currentUp+desiredUp*damping).normalized;
	float angle = Vector3.Angle(currentUp,newUp);
	if (angle>0.01) {
		Vector3 axis = Vector3.Cross(currentUp,newUp).normalized;
		Quaternion rot = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle,axis);
		transform.rotation = rot * transform.rotation;
	gameObject.layer = origLayer;

private void UpdateFacingDirection() {
	// Calculate which way character should be facing
	float facingWeight = desiredFacingDirection.magnitude;
	Vector3 combinedFacingDirection = (transform.rotation * desiredMovementDirection * (1-facingWeight)+ desiredFacingDirection * facingWeight);
	combinedFacingDirection = Util.ProjectOntoPlane(combinedFacingDirection, transform.up);
	combinedFacingDirection = alignCorrection * combinedFacingDirection;
	if (combinedFacingDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0.1f) {
		Vector3 newForward = Util.ConstantSlerp(transform.forward,combinedFacingDirection,maxRotationSpeed*Time.deltaTime);newForward = Util.ProjectOntoPlane(newForward, transform.up);
		//Debug.DrawLine(transform.position, transform.position+newForward, Color.yellow);
		Quaternion q = new Quaternion();
		q.SetLookRotation(newForward, transform.up);
		transform.rotation = q;

private void UpdateVelocity() {
	Vector3 velocity = rigidbody.velocity;
	if (grounded) velocity = Util.ProjectOntoPlane(velocity, transform.up);
	// Calculate how fast we should be moving
	jumping = false;
	if (grounded) {
		// Apply a force that attempts to reach our target velocity
		Vector3 velocityChange = (desiredVelocity - velocity);
		if (velocityChange.magnitude > maxVelocityChange) {
			velocityChange = velocityChange.normalized * maxVelocityChange;
		rigidbody.AddForce(velocityChange, ForceMode.VelocityChange);
	    character.animation.CrossFade("run", 0.05f);
		// Jump
		if (canJump && Input.GetButton("Jump")) {
			rigidbody.velocity = velocity + transform.up * Mathf.Sqrt(2 * jumpHeight * gravity);
			jumping = true;
			character.animation.CrossFade("fly", 0.1f);

	// Apply downwards gravity
	rigidbody.AddForce(transform.up * -gravity * rigidbody.mass);

	grounded = false;


void OnCollisionStay () {
	grounded = true;

void FixedUpdate () {
	if (useCentricGravity) AdjustToGravity();


If you know a little UnityScript/JS then converting from c# to it isn’t all-that-tricky if you can tell basically what you’re looking at in the c# script. Play around with both of the languages sometimes, converting smaller scripts between the languages, and you’ll pick up on the differences and start learning more about both of them.

@script RequireComponent(Rigidbody) //c#->[RequireComponent(typeof(Rigidbody))]
@script RequireComponent(CapsuleCollider)
  ** difference between c# variable declaration and unity/js is simple.
  ** if you're a JS person, the c# variables seem a little backwards since
  ** the type is declared before the name. Then also, in the unity/js you
  ** don't have to specify if the variable is public because that's unity/js
  ** default setting for them. Also, of course, the "var" needs added to unity/js
var character : GameObject ;
var SpeedAnim : float ;
var maxRotationSpeed : float = 270 ;
var useCentricGravity : boolean = false ; //other small differences like 'bool' for c# and 'boolean' for unity/js
var groundLayers : LayerMask ;
var gravityCenter : Vector3 = ;
 //Then with unity/js replace "void" with "function"
 function Awake(){
    rigidbody.freezeRotation = true ;
    rigidbody.useGravity = false ;
    character.animation["run"].speed = SpeedAnim ;
    character.animation["run"].layer = 1 ;
    character.animation["fly"].layer = 1 ;
    character.animation["idle"].layer = 1 ;
 private function AdjustToGravity(){
    var origLayer : int = gameObject.layer ;
    gameObject.layer = 2 ;
    var currentUp : Vector3 = transform.up ;
   //var gravityUp : Vector3 = (transform.position-gravityCenter).normalized;
    var damping : float = Mathf.Clamp01(Time.deltaTime*5) ;
    var hit : RaycastHit ;
   //noting any of the differences yet? or are you just copy/pasting? lol
   var desiredUp : Vector3 = ;
      for(var i : int = 0 ; i < 8 ; i++){
        var rayStart : Vector3 = transform.position + transform.up + Quaternion.AngleAxis(360*i/8.0, transform.up) * (transform.right*0.5) + desiredVelocity*0.2 ;
        if(Physics.Raycast(rayStart, transform.up*-2, hit, 3.0, groundLayers.value)){
           desiredUp += hit.normal ;
   desiredUp = (currentUp+desiredUp).normalized ;
   var newUp : Vector3 = (currentUp+desiredUp*damping).normalized ;
   var angle : float = Vector3.Angle(currentUp,newUp) ;
      if(angle > 0.01){
         var axis : Vector3 = Vector3.Cross(currentUp,newUp).normalized ;
         var rot : Quaternion = Quaternion.AngleAxis(angle,axis) ;
         transform.rotation = rot * transform.rotation ;
   gameObject.layer = origLayer ;
 **  I'll let you give the rest a try. It looks like everything from here down
 **  is just changing the variables from something like
 **  public float this = 5.0f ;
 **  to 
 **  var this : float = 5.0 ;
 **  and changing "void" to "function"
 ** that's pretty much all there was to this script other than the requirecomponent
 ** and the raycast's minor difference

if you still need help with the rest, then post back a comment after you’ve given it a shot or two and I or someone else will help. It will serve you well to try and pick up on how to translate between the two if you plan on using pre-made scripts but only one language throughout your project.