I’m pretty new to Unity, I’ve been following the book ‘Unity Development Essentials’ as part of preparation for my final year University project for which I intend to use Unity.
I’ve been having trouble with the tree colliders - as in, they don’t work. I’ve ensured that the terrain isn’t set to a trigger and that tree colliders is enabled but it just doesn’t seem to want to work.
you’ve probably used the palm tree prefab? that comes with the standard assets, check if the prefab has a collider, if it doesnt add one, and then use the tree. You could also use any other mesh with collider as a tree and check.
Hmm, I’ve tried adding a mesh collider and it works while I have the tree just ‘there’ in the game world as an independant object, but as soon as I prefab it and import it as a tree it stops working again. I’ll try tonight with a few different object types to see if I can get colliders to work that way incase I’m doing something wrong - then post back here.
I am having this same problem. Took the palm tree, added a mesh collider, created a prefab with it. Imported it in the terrain, and mass place tree with it. And the collider seems not to work. If I place the prefab directly in the terrain, the tree collider is just working!
I am running Unity 3.3, free edition! And yes, I have the “Create Tree Collider” check box checked. Anyway, it has the same behavior with or without it being checked.
They talking about mass place tree option by selecting it from terrain menu iSaacX
it doesn’t work for me as well , if I need a tree that I can collide with I have to add it manually in the scene
when using mass place , not a single tree of the mass have collide
Penna is right. I don’t know why, but Capsule Collider works as part of terrain, and Mesh Collider doesn’t. Perhaps because as part of terrain, they lose their individual mesh and get merged into one?
I want in on this, even though it’s old. Why don’t massed placed trees with colliders work? I mean, I can place it all myself, but it’ is confusing for new people.
I notice that this post is a bit old. Now it is 2016 and this problem has not been solved by anyone. It is quite sad. Maybe someone will find a solution … maybe … I have the same problem and unfortunately I don’t have a solution.