So yep, I’m facing that classic bug that apparently no one has solved to this day. Leaves are completely unlit when a spotlight is near to them (I tested with other light types and this only happens with the spotlight).
I remember that some while ago, I solved that issue in another project were I was working, however, that specific project got corrupted this year and unfortunately I can’t access to it to see what I did. I found this post ( Tree leaves are glowing? ) from AgentParsec, and it seems he solved by recomputing his trees after changing its shader, but it seems that option got removed in Unity 5.6 (?).
So I tried instead just changing the shader from the Tree Shader to the Standard Shader, but nothing happened.
Also, I’m using deferred rendering and linear color space. The trees were placed trough Unity Terrain.
The spotlight is on realtime rendering mode with hard shadows. I’m still working with Unity 5.6.1f1, x64
By the way, I saw some kind of “re-do” button on Unity’s Tree Editor, maybe that is the recomputing feature? I honestly don’t know, it seems there’s no documentation for that specific icon.