Tree Creator Null Exception


I’m editing a prefab which was originally made with the tree creator. I was doing my business when I noticed that the tree was no longer updating after I changed things. Upon investigation, I found that the tree creator script was throwing null exceptions when I deleted specific tree nodes (branch groups), which would break the tree. I’m looking for a fix, or to be pointed in the right direction :slight_smile:

Repro steps:

  • Create a tree that has a Branch Group (with multiple nodes in the group(?))
  • Add a Leaf Group to the end of that branch group (again, multiple leaves(?))
  • Your tree is complete
  • Modify your tree by deleting one of the branch nodes, where there are leaves depending on it

Top of my error dump:

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object TreeEditor.TreeGroupLeaf.UpdateMatrix () (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/TreeEditor/Includes/TreeGroupLeaf.cs:145)
TreeEditor.TreeGroupLeaf.UpdateParameters () (at C:/BuildAgent/work/842f9557127e852/Editor/Mono/TreeEditor/Includes/TreeGroupLeaf.cs:104)

Thank you for your help!


Send bug report via Unity interface. But chance for fix of such minor issue is zero.