Well ive followed some guy on YT with his Tree cut script but now ive ran into the problem that when i cut 1 tree all the others in the “Group” (i have to create an Empty Gameobject and group the Tree Prefab with it in order to work) will be cutt down. I think its because of the setting: thisTree = transform.parent.gameObject;
But i have no idea how to tell the script that i want to cut down only the tree infront of my raycast. Anyone got an idea?
This is the Tree Script itself:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Tree : MonoBehaviour
GameObject thisTree;
public int treeHealth = 5;
private bool isFallen = false;
private void Start()
thisTree = transform.parent.gameObject;
private void Update()
if(treeHealth <= 0 && isFallen == false)
Rigidbody rb = thisTree.AddComponent<Rigidbody>();
rb.isKinematic = false;
rb.useGravity = true;
rb.AddForce(Vector3.forward, ForceMode.Impulse);
rb.mass = 6;
rb.drag = 4;
isFallen = true;
private IEnumerator destroyTree()
yield return new WaitForSeconds(5);
And this is the Axe Script(Raycast):
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using UnityEngine;
public class AxeRaycast : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject axe;
private bool isEquiped = false;
private void Update()
if(!axe.activeSelf && Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
isEquiped = true;
else if(Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Alpha1))
isEquiped = false;
Vector3 fwd = transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward);
RaycastHit hit;
if(Physics.Raycast(transform.position,fwd, out hit, 10))
if(hit.collider.tag == "tree" && Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && isEquiped == true)
Tree treeScript = hit.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Tree>();