I am NOT noticing any difference in changes to the ‘Fade Length’ or ‘Billboard Start’ settings on the way trees transition from 2D to 3D. That is, I expect to see the trees transition (geometric morph) from 2D billboard to 3D smoothly over the set distances.
For Example: With a ‘Billboard Start’ of 100 and a ‘Fade Length’ of 50 I expect to see everything from 0 to 50 (relative to the camera) as a full 3D tree, everything from 50 to 100 at some point in the transition from 3D to 2D, and everything from 100 to the ‘Tree Distance’ as 2D. Instead I see the trees instantly POP from 2D to 3D at the set range and adjusting the above settings only seems to moves the distance at which the popping occurs.
Am I missing something? Does this only work with specific trees model types (Speed Trees) and/or render paths? Or is this just another bug, from as far back as version 3, that has yet to be corrected?