(I will refer to the Point A in bold, the Angle A in italics, and the distance a in lowercase)
To calculate the angle A, you can use a dot product between AB and AC. Since you don’t know C, you can use a vector that is in the same direction as C from A as a stand-in to calculate A. A good stand in for this vector would be (A + +Z where +Z is the unit vector in the positive Z direction).
So, we know AB · AC = ||AB|| * ||AC|| * cosθ.
Conveniently, we can actually just use the built in Vector3.Angle function to do the dot product for us. In code we have something like:
// a, and b are assumed to be Vector3 types that correspond to Point A, and Point B
float angle = Vector3.Angle(b - a, Vector3.forward);