Triangle mesh plane limitations


I’m looking for some advice for the best way to get the geometry I need out of a traingle mesh plane.

I have created an array of vertices and defined the triangles to make a mesh plane that I can manipulate at runtime. If I want to raise a single quad within that mesh I can but I would like to maintain a chamfered edge all around it. Imagine a square pyramid with a flat top is the effect I’m looking for. Due to the triangle geometry only 2 opposite corners of the pryamid will be 90 degress, the other 2 will not due to the orientation of the triangles that make up the mesh.

Ideally I just want to rasie or lower the vertices rather than move them in the x or z axis.

Is there a better geometry I could use or would I be better off making desried shapes out of prefabs? If I go down the prefab route I’m looking at about 1200 prefab instantiations.

Appreciate for any advive you can give me.

Thinking about this some more the solution was easy. I just order the triangles differently for the problem quads.