I’m working with custom-built meshes and need to select faces with mouse. Mesh is created from file similar to OBJ, where faces can be more than 3 vertices. Such faces I triangulate by myself. Also I show edges of the faces. What I want is when user click on the face, color its edges in different color. I get selected triangle, then find face that contains its vertices, then find edges of this face, and color them. Everything works besides that selected triangle is almost always wrong. I even tried to build a simple cube in this way, and even there are some errors. Any ideas why triangle selection doesn’t work properly?
void OnMouseUp()
Ray ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
RaycastHit hit;
if (Physics.Raycast(ray, out hit))
# clear edge colors
for( int i = 0; i < m_edgePoints.Count; i++ )
m_edges*.GetComponent<LineRenderer>().renderer.material.color = Color.red;*
*# find vertices of the triangle hit *
Mesh m = (hit.collider as MeshCollider).sharedMesh;*
_ Vector3 vertices = new Vector3[3] { m.vertices[m.triangles[3 * hit.triangleIndex]],_
_ m.vertices[m.triangles[3 * hit.triangleIndex + 1]], m.vertices[m.triangles[3 * hit.triangleIndex + 2]]_
Debug.Log( string.Format("Triangle: {0}; {1}; {2}", vertices[0], vertices[1], vertices[2] ) );*
# find selected face*
foreach( var face in m_faces )*
if( face.Contains( vertices[0] ) && face.Contains( vertices[1] ) && face.Contains( vertices[2] ) )*
Debug.Log( "face: " + string.Join( "; ", ( from v in face select v.ToString() ).ToArray() ) );*
# color edges of the face
for( int i = 0; i < m_edgePoints.Count; i++ )*
if( face.Contains( m_edgePoints[0] ) && face.Contains( m_edgePoints*[1] ) )
_ {_
m_edges.GetComponent().renderer.material.color = Color.blue;
Debug.Log( string.Format( “Edge: {0}; {1}”, m_edgePoints[0], m_edgePoints[1] ) );
_ }