Trigger Click

So I have this script but i want it to be activated with a click, to do that do you place a simple mouse click function
but how would you write it so it activates this effect?

var explosion:GameObject;
function OnTriggerEnter(theObject:Collider){
if(“3rd Person Controller”){

var newExplosion:GameObject=Instantiate(explosion,transform.position,transform.rotation);


You would create a function for the explosion and use the OnMouseDown function.

#pragma strict

var explosion : GameObject; 

function OnTriggerEnter(theObject : Collider){
	if("3rd Person Controller") {

function Explode () {
	var newExplosion : GameObject = Instantiate(explosion, transform.position, transform.rotation); 

function OnMouseDown () {

Remember that CompareTag is quicker than checking a string.

Thanks heaps, so i have two objects that activate when i click is preformed, how do i seperate them so that only when i click on each seperately they work, not at the same time?