Trigger Enter Issue

I have a trigger enter that is working bizarrely. The trigger enter is looking to see if the player has entered it and if it does turn a game object on and then off on exit. However, when i start the game it automatically thinks that the player has entered the trigger despite the player being really far away from the trigger. I am good with Unity and scripting, used trigger enter for a lot of things without issue. Here is my code, if anyone can shed some light on this problem that’d be brilliant.

#pragma strict
var securityCameraHolder : GameObject;
var soundActive : boolean = false;

function Start () {
	soundActive = false;

function OnTriggerEnter (playerEnter : Collider) {
	if( == "player");	
		soundActive = true;

function OnTriggerExit (playerExit : Collider) {
	if( == "player");
	soundActive = false;

function Update () {
	if(soundActive == true) { = true;	
		Debug.Log("Security Camera is true");
	if(soundActive == false) { = false;
		Debug.Log("security camera is false");	

Your script is absolutely right. Since you have initialized the value of soundActive to false, and have given if(soundActive == false) in the Update, there will be printing “security camera is false” every frame. That is causing the problem.