Trigger Happy | Pro Editor Tools - Create triggered events with ease

Hi guys,
I would like to introduce you to a new tool available on the Asset Store:
Trigger Happy

This tool allows you to create game-world events triggered by a variety of conditions.
It saves precious development time as it’s intuitive to use.
it’s also light in terms of CPU.
It utilizes the power of UnityEvents so that you can make pretty much anything happen, be it a unity mechanisms, a plugin, or a custom script.
Full documentation can be found here:

I’m looking to get some feedback so I can improve the experience of using Trigger Happy, and future tools we’re currently working on.
For this purpose we’re giving away 6 free copies:
3 to work alone users
3 to indie studios

Coupons will be granted to the first 3 developers (of each category) to comment with a short description of their project.
Please state whether you work in a team/alone.

After you start using the tool I would like you to give me feedback on your experience.
Then eventually, after I address any issues and some of the requests that might come up, I’d ask you to rate it on the asset store.

Sounds good?
Be the first to comment :slight_smile:

I will gladly answer any questions on this thread.

Enjoy using Trigger Happy,

Hi Johnathan,
The tool looks really interesting, I’m currently working on a adventure game based on completing puzzles to progress to next level mostly using triggers, This tool could really help, If you have a voucher would really appreciate it, please pm me.
btw, i’m one man team.

I’m just starting at this, but have programming background. working on a shooter where enemy targets will be activated by proximity of player.

Hi, I think this would be great for my werewolf\horror game. I am a developer by trade but this looks like it could greatly speed up my development as there are going to be may trigger based events.

Alright guys you got it!
Good luck on your projects and don’t forget to keep us posted on your experience with the tool :slight_smile:


I’m currently working on a location-based (GPS) app, but instead of catching Pokémon, I use triggers for detecting when the user has reached a point in the map and show information about that area, it’s a virtual guide book.
Since GPS precision is not always optimal, false-triggerings can happen (ie there’s a fork in the road, low GPS signal, incorrect position), usually this is solved by adding custom rules to triggers that are likely to cause problems, I’d like to test if your asset could prove useful in my workflow. Technically I fit both criterias of people you’re looking for.
Thanks for the opportunity!

Still available?
Doing randomly generated dungeon which will use a lot of trigger detection, and also doors which requires conditional switches. (Not sure if your asset could work on procedural contents, but hey I can try!)

One man.

Alright you got it.
Check your inbox for the coupon code!
And let us know about your experience using Trigger Happy.

I’ve bent the rules a little for Gekigengar, as I’m interested to test Trigger Happy in a procedurally generated environment, which is not the current designation of the tool.

That leaves us with one last free copy which will go to the first indie studio to ask for it :slight_smile:


Would love a key please :slight_smile: This looks like a real time saver!

1 Like

Update: Gekigengar just informed me that he will not be able to test the tool this week, and therefore I shall pass his copy to julianr.
Thanks Gekigengar. very noble of you!
I shall contact you on the next round :slight_smile:

So still one free copy remains to the first commentator who works at a studio :slight_smile:


I’m the lead developer of Steel Grin, we’re a small team from Sydney, Australia and we’re also creating a procedurally generated game.

It’s a Diablo inspired sci-fi rogue-lite game and similarly to Gekigengar we’re interested in using the asset for various triggers that would be spawned procedurally in dungeons and other maps.

So our last copy goes to Steel-Grin.
Hope you enjoy it :slight_smile:

Don’t forget to update us on this thread.

Damn missed it by 2 minutes!!!

Hi, tool looks nice and is probably very helpful, but why the high price? $54 and “one license per seat” is a bit heavy for a tool this size. The complexity doesn’t seem to justfy the price, or am I mistaken? Could you eleborate a bit on how the price comes togther?

Hi Oribow,
I appreciate the question.
Trigger Happy was designed to look simple and be easy to use.
Nonetheless, there’s a lot going on in the background and the architecture of this system is more complex than you probably imagine.
A lot of time and effort were put into the design so that Trigger Happy would save a lot of editing time, by providing you with a comfortable UI and by handling a lot of the connectivity by itself while still being completely decoupled so it could stay versatile and provide with a lot of options.
I believe that investing $54 in Trigger Happy would actually save you a lot of money as it can greatly lower production time.

I’m here for any more questions.

What I’ve found about Trigger Happy is that its apparent simplicity is really due to the fact that it is well thought out and easy to use. I’m a full-time programmer by trade but anything that helps me develop my games quicker and in a more efficient manner is very welcome. I’ll be using this asset in almost every game I’ll be developing.

As I continue using it in my development I’ll give more feedback and let everyone know how things are going. I’m going to be including it in my Gaia spawners (and Gena if I get that soon) in addition to other game logic. I have a lot of ideas on ways I can use this asset so I’ll definitely be giving feedback here as things progress.

That’s great to hear Steven :slight_smile:
Let me know how it goes.

Just grabbed it now. Seems great so far. Is it possible to have a few examples included in the pack? I figured it out but an example would have saved in an hour of messing around. Just a note to any new buyers, the object that triggers an event must have a rigidbody for the switch to detect the action.

I wrote my own trigger event for one of our games but it was not nearly as neat and clean as this. Nice work!

I am testing this on a mac - has it been tested on Linux?

Finally, any chance for the source code? A dll is tricky if we want to launch on other platforms.

I also think it is priced a little high, if it was half the price you would see a much larger buyer base. Don’t get me wrong, it is worth the 50 bucks, but with more users we can make sure there are less bugs etc.

swimming bird website is down, docs not available. Is this asset still active?