Trigger position question.

I have a vehicle that I want to respawn at different points on a track if the vehicle goes off the course and gets stuck. I have a series of colliders set up as triggers along the course and as the vehicle passes through a trigger I want to move the Start object, of which the vehicles restart script uses, to that triggers position.

Here is what I have so far.

var restart : GameObject;

function OnTriggerEnter () {

	restart = GameObject.Find("Start");

	restart.transform.position = ???? ;


Am I going in the right direction and just missing what needs to be in the ??? spot or is my thought process totally hosed.

Any help would be appreciated.

Never mind. Looks like collider.transform.position was the tricky phrase I was looking for.


… + I would probably consider building a permanent reference to the gameobject at the top of the script (linked in the inspector) instead of having to try to find it each time any collision occurs…