Trigger sound on an object not near player - Help needed!

Let me start off by saying I am just learning scripts and do not know a whole lot about them. What I am trying to do is trigger a sound on an object that is away from the player.

Example: Player walks through trigger - Radio on other side of room turns on.

I have been able to create a trigger that plays a sound attached to the trigger itself - but I need the sound to come from other place such as behind, above, across the room from the player.

I assume I would need two scripts - One to attach to trigger, and one that would attach to the object with the sound - Beyond that I am completely lost. I have watched tutorials and most of them trigger the sound within the trigger area itself.

Any help would be great!! Thanks!!

i dont think you need 2 scripts, i would do like this, u make trigger as u did and simply activate the sound which you need to attach to that object (radio) ->do not attach it to trigger object, just attach sound source to radio and make that sound 3d, check is 3d

Something like this, works in mine test scene, i had only player , plane to walk on, one cube which i hide mesh and only made it trigger, and other black cube (radio) 200 units away from trigger, i attached this small script to trigger cube, and put the coordinates of my black cube( radio) ( u cans ee that in inspector).

public AudioClip radiosound;
void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other) {
if (other.gameObject.tag == “trigger object or player even”) {

AudioSource.PlayClipAtPoint (your radio sound, new Vector3 (1, 1, 1));

} //in fact you can put the coordinates of your radio perfectly example Vector3 (2,4,6) ( but your sound needs to be 3d so if you walk away from radio volume of sound will go down, and if u come near it will go up.

issue could be in deliting trigger so u dont get 30 overlapping sounds if u trigger it 30 times