Triple Slider control - UI slider value control

I am in a bit of a pickle, and I am trying to solve it in the best way possible.
I am trying to achieve that the 3 sliders are all summing up to 1 in total, and if one slider is shifted, then the other ones will adjust proportionally.
I have the following script:
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;

public class TripleSliderAdjustment : MonoBehaviour {
    private Slider primaryslider;
    public Slider sliderB;
    public Slider sliderC;

    private void Start()
        primaryslider = GetComponent<Slider>();

    public void UpdateSliders()
        float sliderCValue = ((1 - primaryslider.value) / (sliderB.value + sliderC.value)) * sliderC.value;
        float sliderBValue = ((1 - primaryslider.value) / (sliderB.value + sliderC.value)) * sliderB.value;

        sliderC.value = sliderCValue;
        sliderB.value = sliderBValue;

This script is attached to each sliders, and SliderB and SliderC is both manually placed. However, the problem arise when I move one slider, then the other sliders are also updated, and there is somewhat of a performance issue, as all 3 are then updated, and all 3 will then attempt to update… and there is a “semi infinite loop” going on (it will eventually stop… but will go on for a while) Does anyone have a suggestion on how this could be solved - as I am going completely blind on this topic :slight_smile:
If I find the answer myself, I will post it here.

each slider should have an value changed event. if you register the update sliders method to all of them you just need to iterate then once, skip the one which already has the correct value and recalculate the others.