Triyng to use StartCoroutine it works but gives NullReferenceException error.

I am making a Star Empires game, and when you click on a object i use OnMouseDown() to have that object pass it self to a variable in my GuiScript. Then the GuiScript draws one button on the screen for each function that should be accesible. And for this i have previously used the StartCoroutine(String, argument) version. But now reading that that on was slower and could only hold one argument i want to change to StartCoroutine(function(argument)). I did so and it works but gives error NullReferenceException. Why is this?

Version that works

class ShipScript(MonoBehaviour):
        def Start ():
	     // player1 = GameObject.Find('player1')
		player1GuiScript = GameObject.Find('player1').GetComponent[of GuiScript]()
		gameRules = GetComponent[of GameRules]()

	def OnMouseDown():
		if Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1"):
	def Actions():
		return [{"name"  : "IncreaseArmor", "requireMouseClick" : 0},{"name"  : "Move", "requireMouseClick" : 1}]

	def IncreaseArmor():
		armor= armor+100
class GuiScript(MonoBehaviour):
  selected as duck
   def OnGUI(): 
       if selected != null:
	     // loop through all actions of the selected object
	     functions as duck = selected.Actions()
             for index as int in range(len(functions)):
		 // Create a new button for each action
		 if (GUI.Button (Rect (20,70+buttonWidth+2,80,20), functions[index]["name"] as System.String ) ):	
			// Check if the function need mouse click input
			if(functions[index]["requireMouseClick"] != 0 ):
				// If so mark this and store the function
				waitingFunction["name"] = functions[index]["name"] 
				// Else call the function as is

This is the important part

With the version that don’t work i have changed the following.

class ShipScript(MonoBehaviour):
	def Actions():
		return [{"name"  : IncreaseArmor, "requireMouseClick" : 0},{"name"  : "Move", "requireMouseClick" : 1}]
class GuiScript(MonoBehaviour):

And this gives the error:

UnityEngine.MonoBehaviour.StartCoroutine (System.Collections.IEnumerator) (at C:/BuildAgent/work/6bc5f79e0a4296d6/Runtime/ExportGenerated/Editor/BaseClass.cs:1067)
(wrapper dynamic-method) ShipScript.ShipScript$StartCoroutine$ (object,object[]) <IL 0x00012, 0x00100>
Boo.Lang.Runtime.RuntimeServices.Dispatch (object,string,System.Type[],object[],Boo.Lang.Runtime.DynamicDispatching.DispatcherCache/DispatcherFactory) <IL 0x0002e, 0x0012e>
Boo.Lang.Runtime.RuntimeServices.Dispatch (object,string,object[],Boo.Lang.Runtime.DynamicDispatching.DispatcherCache/DispatcherFactory) <IL 0x0000c, 0x00064>
Boo.Lang.Runtime.RuntimeServices.Invoke (object,string,object[]) <IL 0x00039, 0x000f1>
GuiScript.OnGUI () (at Assets/Game scripts/GUI/

The error is one the row
in GuiScript

Anyone got any idea why this is happening? It still works, it execute the function when i press the button, but it generates the error.

Anyone got any idea?

Simplified the problem is that when i return the function from the object and try to use StartCoroutine(function()) from the GuiScript it execute th objects function, but gives NullReferenceException. But when i return the string name of the function to the GuiScript and then use StartCoroutine(“function”,null) it works without errors.