Trouble building and testing on "samsung remote test lab"

Using Unity 5.5.0b6

I’ve been trying to get a build working on tizen, and I can’t seem to get a build going on the Samsung Remote Test Lab for some reason.

I downloaded the Tizen SDK, set up a “security profile” and put the same name in unity build settings as “signing profile name”. I have tried connecting over SDB to the device (using many different servers of Z2’s and Z3’s) and when I manage to finally get one up and running, and connected to SDB (a tough thing to do for me) I go to the tizen SDK and right click on the device in the connection explorer, and then click “Permit Installation”, and return to unity, builds and run (even selecting the device as target) and it fails to find the device it seems.

So I use the remote phones window to right click the bezel and hit manage applications, then I try to install the tpk file through the window it shows, and at first a long loading bar seems to upload the file, then I click the name of the application, and click install at the top.

At this point the remote install window sometimes gives an error, but the last few times I’ve tested it, the app just disappears in the list if I refresh, and it doesn’t seem to let me interact with the device anymore (sometimes I can reboot the device and it will respond to the mouse input again). It doesn’t show the app as being installed in the window…

Sometimes I see this here:

What is going on here? The emulator I have read isn’t supported by unity, but in other places I’ve seen people say it has worked. Where are you guys testing these apps out? Is the remote test lab not the right place?

When I run the emulator, and try to use the tizen SDK to permit installation, I get this:

And while I have somebody who might know, where and how do you “register” your certificate? Is that a part of this process I am missing? I went to and signed in, set some account stuff up, but never have I seen a place to “register a certificate” or similar option.

Thanks ahead of time for any advice!

Ok made some progress - here is how I registered with samsung, from within the tizen SDK management window, you click this button:

and it requires you to eventually sign into your samsung account there:

So, I am getting somewhere. Maybe soon I can get it running right.

Getting closer, to register devices you do this in the distributor certificate part:

Hopefully I’ve done this all properly…

Still fails with the same error on the remote test lab Z2’s - BUT - it does work in the emulator

The tizen seller store rejects the built project (targeting mobile) saying something about a white listed library, and has this cryptic message:

std::__throw_out_of_range_fmt(char const*, …)[nameofapp]

It’s perhaps worth noting this project once used google ads, and Google services on android, but for the tizen version I’ve removed these plugins from the assets folder, deleted the project settings and other files and setup to use tizen with just unity built in stuff. Could some part of the ads or play services be lingering in the project? Why does it work fine in the emulator?

As an update - got rid of the “throw out of range” problem by using the latest stable version of unity instead of the beta! Heads up!

Sorry but cannot blame anyone for this but yourself, not sure why you would use a unstable beta version over 5.4.2!

Initially I had thought the beta was required for some reason, and yeah I then spent a good couple days banging my head off my keyboard for that one.

No worries I accept the blame :stuck_out_tongue:

Really just trying to help other people get this sorted out, save them the face to keyboard motions I went through ya know?

EDIT: PS I have helped a few souls find their way through this tizen battlefield:

I wasn’t the only one making this mistake haha

I think the whole thing is poorly handled, its clear moderators did not help with this also.
Many information got jumbled up in multiple threads and random builds where released.
I think someone found out that in 5.5 Tizen can use emulators, I guess you can test this, but I assume still be buggy.
But was best release your game on stable build.

There are still so many bugs, people before did not port to Tizen so no one bothered to submit reports.
Now when money is involved, everyone jumps on the bandwagon, Unity should have accepted this and put extra resources in place…

Anyway good luck…

@MrEsquire Your totally right, it does seem a bit error prone the way this competition brought so many hungry devs like me out and using tools that aren’t totally clearly described and with clear docs. Anyway I am glad it worked at all as I was just about past the threshold for how much crap I could put up with before scraping the idea haha, and good luck to you as well!

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