Hello, I’m developing an application im XAML that has a Unity (web player) application embeded in it.
This has a big problem however, because if I right click on the Unity application (embeded in the XAML app) it will pop the context menu. I need to not allow this context menu to appear. Any ideas?
I’ve attached an image, hopefully explaining what I’m looking for.
2 Thigs:
I know that Unity Web Player will be droped in the future. We are already looking for replacements for this.
I’ve already tried Player Settings → Resolution and Presentation → No Context Menu, and it doesn’t work.
There’s supposedly a parameter pass class in the HTML which you can edit by doing this:
var config = {
width: 960,
height: 600,
params: { enableDebugging:"0" }
config.params["disableContextMenu"] = true; //This is the added line
var u = new UnityObject2(config);
Yes I have looked at it. If I’m not mistaken, that is JS code, writen on the html page that will load the unity file.
That does not work for me because I have no HTML file to edit. My application loads the ‘Build.unity3d’ without the need for the ‘Build.html’. That is why I’m having so much trouble