I have this Collada bowling ball:
I’m pretty sure it has a texture in the DAE file. However, I can’t seem to get Unity to bring in the texture:
Anyone have any ideas how I can get the ball and texture into Unity?
Thanks. Have a blessed day.
2640670–185863–bowling_ball.dae.zip (333 KB)
I’ve looked into it some more, and it looks like the texture was not actually in the DAE file.
I think that DAE file was using something called shader1_dif.jpg, which was in its directory.
When the DAE file is in its own directory by itself, it appears untextured.
Usually you get the textures separate from the model; same for materials. If you export from a common 3d packaging software.
Unity is pretty good at reading metadata and import the related resources, when they are in the same folder; if that won’t happen; you can create by hand a materlal in Unity; assign it to the ball and then drop in the albedo the texture that you need, and you are done.