Trouble Importing FBX files


On this page: Unity - Manual: Legacy Animation system

It says under this picture:

Unity automatically imports all four files and collects all animations to the file without the @ sign. In the example above, the goober.mb file will be set up to reference idle, jump, walk and wallJump automatically.
For FBX simply export a model file with the “animation” option unchecked e.g. goober.fbx and the 4 clips as goober@animname.fbx by exporting the desired keyframes for each (animation enable in the fbx dialogue)

So here is my problem. I am doing the same thing as described above. I have few fbx files (as you can see here below). They have the same name, Hamburger@animationName.fbx. When I drag these files into Unity I wont get any file named Hamburger like I am expected.

Is there anyone who might have an idea what I am doing wrong?


As it says in the docs you need the base fbx file with just Hamburger.fbx. That base file will now be associated with all the @animation files.

Basically you still need to create a .fbx called Hamburger, probably want that file to be without animation

Great! Thanks for the answers :slight_smile: