My game has a number of instantiated projectiles…I lob arty shells, shoot bazooka rockets as well as shoot rockets from a moving boat ( medium to slow moving boat). But now I have a plane in my game and I can not get rockets to shoot like I was hoping. If I am on the ground it all works. But once I get some speed for take off or in the air the bullets fire backwards. I have cranked up the Dist to like 10000 and it may be working but it happens so fast I can’t see it. The projectile is just a sphere with a rigidbody - not kinematic, no constraints, no gravity. They also behave weird when I do find that “perfect” velocity where I can actually see the rocket ( though barely traveling forward) it jitters all over the place as if it is still somehow connected to my plane. It isn’t - at least not in the inspector, they are instantiating as separate gameObjects. Any answers for this one or work arounds so I can use my plane for battle and not just transportation??
GameObject myGrenade = Instantiate(grenade, Muzzle.position,transform.rotation)as GameObject;
myGrenade.GetComponent<Rigidbody>().AddForce (transform.forward *Dist);