Trouble using pixel perfect

So I have a soldier sprite that will just not render correctly. This is how it should look


And this is how it looks with pixel perfect settings


These are my camera settings


I think some of it may be to do with the pixels per unit setting but as I’m using assets with different pixel widths I’m not really sure what to choose for that, no setting seems to work right?

Any clues? It’s just some dumb game jam game so I’ll probably just give up trying to make it pixel perfect but would be nice to know what I’m doing wrong

Ok so I think the problem was to do with the resolution, I’ve changed it so the height is a divisor of my screen height and it seems to be working ok now

Actually no this isn’t working as intended, as when objects are rotated the pixels are rotating rather than being upscaled. When I select the upscale render texture the rotating bits of gore I’ve set up look better but I start having the sprite issues again. I tried setting all my sprites and the camera to 24 pixels per unit but I had the same issue, not really sure what to do?