Trouble walking in Google Carboard App

I have a unity VR scene that I am trying to turn into an app. I have imported the cardboard SDK and have been able to set up the app so that you can look around in virtual space, but am having trouble with walking around. I imported the C# Character Motor and FPS scripts to the cardboard head in the hierarchy. However, when I run the app in the simulator, I can not walk around with the WASD keys. I can still use alt key and cursor to look around. Does anyone know what is going on? Is there a better way to do this? Also, once I get this to work, what is the best way to approach auto walk so that the camera will go where ever the user looks?

I do not know if this is relevant, but I do not have a character. It is a First Person View and I want the camera to do the walking.

You’ve posted in the Navigation forum. You’ll likely get more help over in the VR forum