Trouble with Board Game

Greetings Everyone
How are you all today? good I hope =)

here’s what I’m trying to do, I’m working on a monopoly game for my final assignment.
from this picture, you see 2D board from top view & i’am using gameobject>plane for the board. so it’s have 40 plane. then drag & drop png picture to texture the plane. then component>physisc3D>box collider 2D all of them.

The problem:
i’m confused with how to display information when player clicked the board. in example player clicked an area then information property card will display.

anyone can give me clue or a example script?

You need to implement an interface for the game board pieces. For instance, if they click on a place to rent, you need to get the information about the space for instance, is it vacant? how much does it cost? does the current player own this space? etc…