Troubles with Physic and Rigidbody [Beginner]

I’m quite new with Unity and I’m trying to set up a simple system.
I’ve got a cube which can fly into a tunnel composed of walls (plans).
Plans and cube both have box colliders.
Cube collider istrigger is true.
Cube has also a rigidbody, iskinematic = true.
Some balls are spawning in front of the cube and I can change their color by hitting them with the cube.

Basically I would like to allow the cube to hit the balls but I don’t want him to pass through the walls.

At the moment I almost succeed to do that but when the cube is hitting a wall, it’s just going everywhere, I’m completely losing control on it.

How can I fix it ?

Thanks a lot.

This can be done quite easily by assigning different layers to the balls, walls and cube, then using the Layer Collision Matrix found in Project Settings → Physics, and unchecking the objects you don’t want to be able to collide.


Thanks a lot.
I just checked what you linked but it seems that I’ll be able to manage collisions between objects.
I guess that I’ll still have the problem which the cube spin and go everywhere after a wall collision.
Maybe I misunderstood something :slight_smile: