We currently have a few Addressables issues we are trying to get fixed.
If you are finding that the Localization package is not working in the build please try the following:
- Update to the latest Unity patch version
- Update to the latest Addressable Assets package in the package manager.
- Try disabling code stripping
- Clean All and then Rebuild Addressables. When Building make sure the Editor is set to the target platform in the Build Settings window.
- Check Addressables group build and load paths are set.
Error when generating addressables with Localization package - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions - On Windows check that the file path to the asset bundles is not over 260 characters long. This can cause loading issues.
- Try running the Localization Analyzers (0.11.0-preview). This can be found in the Addressables window. Addressables Integration | Localization | 0.11.1-preview
If the above does not work then please file a bug report.