Please only use this thread to ask questions about the topics in that thread or suggestions for additional topics. DO NOT add new problems you have encountered, make a new thread if you have a different issue.
I’m not sure if this is the right place for my question, but the situation is this:
About 2 weeks ago I downloaded Windows 10 and since then I get this screen every time I try to start a Unity game:
I can bypass the welcome screen to launch and create/load a project, however I can’t access the asset store and bug reporter from within Unity saying that I am offline, anything else I can try?
I can log in to the asset store from the webpage, but as soon as I try to load an asset into the Unity editor, it won’t let me because I am “offline”.
Used to work fine on Windows7, not so on WIndows 10. Did various clean installs, followed the steps provided in the troubleshooting steps, did manual activation more than once.
Can you create a crash dump file and attach it to your bug report, post the bug number here.
If you are having network issues than you won’t be able to access the Asset Store, have you updated all your drivers in Windows 10 and whitelisted Unity in any firewalls and antivirus programs?
Thanks Aurore for your reply; yes it seems my problem had to do with winsock. While the problem ocurred away from everything Unity related, it was still the reason I could not connect so I figured I’d post it.
After cleaning up the system with anti-virus and anti-malware, run (cmd) command prompt as administrator and execute the following commands, and then its possible you might need to restart and/or run network diagnostics to fix connection:
netsh winsock reset netsh int ipv4 reset (or ipv6 if thats what you use)
I had to put this in here because after I went to submit the bug report it failed & asked me to go to:, but didn’t allow me to get help, either.
What happened
I was able to download Unity 4.6.3. I went to click on the Unity icon & I get a very brief image of a highway with 3 vehicles on the road, then in less than a second I get “Information There was a problem communicating with license server. Would you like to do a manual activaction instead?” I tried the manual activation, still doesn’t work, what do you suggest?
How can we reproduce it using the example you attached
Have someone sign into my screen and watch what happens when I click on the icon, if you want.
Have you tried deleting your license file and activating again? If that still doesn’t work, may be worth emailing and provide your license key.
Sorry to be a pain but does this still happen in 5.1.3?
I have made some tests and found out that the editor crashes only if I am connected to network/internet:
When I turn off the wireless and run unity from cmd “Unity.exe -projectpath D:\Fares\Unity\WorkSpace\5.1” the Welcome screen does not show up, and unity starts normally, once I start the wireless and computer tries to connect to internet, welcome screen shows up from nowhere then unity crashes.
Update 2:
even if the Internet is disconnected, if i open the asset store offline, unity crashes.
Update 3:
I used Visual Studio to debug Unity and got this message:
Unhandled exception at 0x00007FFE1004B189 (ntdll.dll) in Unity.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0x0000000000000118.
at 00007FFE1004B189 lock btr dword ptr [rcx+8],0
And no, but we like to check if it’s still happening in the latest version of Unity since it may have been fixed from another bug report. 5.2 Should be out later so (according to our roadmap) check it with that version and if it continues, report it from 5.2 and post the bug number again, that will let QA know it’s not been resolved.
Don’t know if I should post this here or not but…
I’ve lost all the options in the top of the inspector bar. I don’t have the option for the hide tick box or any other options I used to have here.
I just updated to the latest version, but the problem still persists.
I hope this is just that I forgot to tick a box somewhere in the menus or something.
EDIT: Turns out this was caused by the free Tilemap editor. Deleted it and the problem was gone.
My unity used to crash, but now it runs and is unusably slow. The mouse skips all over the place and key presses take half a second to be acted on. I have a good pc so it shouldn’t be my hardware and I don’t have any of the listed programs that cause interference. What about windows 10 would cause this situation? I asked this question not to long ago here: How do you fix slow Unity Editor run on Windows 10? - Questions & Answers - Unity Discussions
How do I help Unity find solutions to their crash problems without offering up my entire project which is exceptionally impractical?
I’m on Unity Pro 5.2.1f1 on a MacBook Pro Retina Early 2013.
What are some common strategies for isolating issues in the Editor?
I’ve seen a wide variety of symptoms in my most recent project:
Editor hangs in in the middle of my game runtime after a specific event in the game.
Unity Editor crashes when I press press the “play” button to stop the game runtime.
Unity Editor hangs when I attempt to additively load a scene.
These issues come and go and what makes working in Unity tolerable despite the crashes and hangs is that Unity is incredibly fast to load (admittedly using a solid state drive).