Is there a shader in which I can apply a texture and have the actual rgb colors render without being influenced by lights?
Try this:
Shader "Texture Simple" {
Properties {
_MainTex ("Base (RGB)", 2D) = "white"
SubShader {
Pass {
SetTexture [_MainTex]
hi daniel, thanks for your response. Where would I put that?
Just go to Assets → Create → Shader
Then open the shader in Unitron and paste the code right there. Then on a material click the drop down menu and go to Texture Simple.
unitron? That is your script editor correct?
Yes, but it comes with Unity. Just double-click the shader file and it should open.
awesome thanks man! 8)
Hey Daniel,
How would you have it render a 2dTexture?
What do you mean?
render to a 2d texture would require Unity Pro and then use RenderTexture
I mean, I would like the user to apply their image to the side of a cube. I laid out the uvs of the cube so that the image appears on all sides but that would require a 2dTexture correct?