Apparently, Caligari has sold Truespace 3D to Microsoft. Looks like Intel and Microsoft are buying every 3D software company they can get their hands on recently…
There’s one 3d software they can’t buy: Unity
Well, it’s really easy to buy Unity software… just visit!
Hi Aras,
wow that was so cool! You got me busting out laughing at 0:30
Hahaha! Yeah… I can imagine a group of dark Microsofties (just kidding, I like Microsoft) coming into the Unity Headquarters, with a cheque. A large one, let’s say EUR 50.000.000,00 or something.
And they say “hey, we want to buy Unity - is that enough?”
And the UT-Masters or the Divine Art of Creating Incredibly Cool Game-Engines, look at the cheque, do a little spontanuous bitpusher calculation in their heads and say “wow, cool, you can get quite a bit of Unity for that - we can arrange a special price for you and give you 100.000 Licenses…”
MS just made the deal of their lifes, hehe
I quite don’t get it. As far as i know Truespace is a bad piece of software. If you’re heading for yahoo, why do you head for Truespace?
Perhaps it was an “impulse buy”? I wouldn’t call Truespace “bad” software, just not real intuitive. It’s been around a long time and offers more bang for the buck than most. I don’t know if their problem was their marketing or UI that caused them to have such poor sales but they were ripe for buyout. But why Microsoft would want to buy them? No idea.
It was buggy when i tested it and when i look at the forum then these problems still exit. But the impulse buy could be a good explanation… :O)
I think it said “to integrate with Virtual Earth”. I.e. exactly the same reason why Google grabbed SketchUp (only here it’s “Google Earth”).
SketchUp is a nice tool for it’s reduced functionality. I would say Microsoft has quite some work to do to get Truesvision into a focused and hopefully stable shape.
Bizarre. Microsoft bought Softimage years ago in an effort to screw SGI (which was successful). They then sold it. Seems like a bit of a comedown to buy Truespace.
That said, Truespace has a very good underlying engine (great rendering and realtime previews, very complete feature list) – it’s “just” their user interface that’s borked. Even Microsoft could probably improve their UI (by the simple expedient of imitating Max).
Truespace is one of the “grand old men” of 3d, I remember playing with 1.x on my Amiga 500. (And unlike their competitors you could actually see what you were doing interactively, and it rendered relatively quickly.)
AMIGA rocked!
AMIGA rock__s__!
yeah, but my A2000’s hard drive just died. (it’s a video toaster by the way)