Try Catch not working with VideoPlayer

I am trying to play a video using Unity’s VideoPlayer which I have attached to the camera. I want the user to be able to enter the file path of a local video file and the VideoPlayer should then play the video. I got this working fine but I can’t seem to handle exceptions when the user enters a path that is not valid, for instance:

			videoPlayer.url = @"C:\blah";
			print ("error");

does not print “error” but instead continues execution and gives me an error in the console saying “Can’t play movie [C:\blah]”

I can’t think of any reason why this error shouldn’t be caught by using the try catch method. I am using the latest version of Unity.
If you cannot use the try catch method to catch this exception, then I need a way to test if the url is valid and will play properly (e.g. the file is not corrupt)

You just need to register to the built in errorReceived event of the video player.
[In case the answer wasn’t found and for anyone else searching]

private void Start () {
	loadingUI.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "Loading Video

Please Wait";
videoPlayer.url = “My URL”;
videoPlayer.errorReceived += VideoPlayer_errorReceived;//THIS LINE!!!

private void VideoPlayer_errorReceived (VideoPlayer source, string message) {
	loadingUI.GetComponentInChildren<Text>().text = "This video is incompatible.

The video should be encoded
with H.264 as an MP4 file.";
videoPlayer.errorReceived -= VideoPlayer_errorReceived;//Unregister to avoid memory leaks


Here is what I do for files so I hope it helps:

    //The desired directory name of the folder that will be created in your drive
    public string directoryName = "PlayerFiles";

    //Path name of the file that will be in your directory
    public string pathName = "playerData.txt";

    //Private variables used to give the full names of their locations
    string fullDirectoryName;
    string fullPathName; 

    void Start () {

        //Remember the double slashes are important in path names
        //This is the full location of the directory
        fullDirectoryName = "C://" + directoryName;

        //This is the full location of the path/file
        fullPathName = fullDirectoryName + "//" + fullPathName;

        //Checks if the directory exists and if it does not then it will create it
        if (!(Directory.Exists(fullDirectoryName)))
            Directory.CreateDirectory("C://" + directoryName);

        //Checks if the file exists and if not then it returns
        if (!(File.Exists(fullPathName)))
            Debug.Log("Video File Does Not Exist!");

        //This is the best case scenario. The file exists and will play
            Debug.Log("The video is playing");