Try my asteroids remake!

Player 1: Up, down, left, right and space to fire.
Player 2: W, A, S, D and shift to fire.
(Use the same keys for selecting a ship.)

Please give me any feedback / suggestions you can think of. Thanks!

Don’t forget to try two player :slight_smile:

nice little game… me like

Um, why is there no “Play”/“Start” button when I’m at the ship selection screen :smile:
I was like “great I can view the nice ship and click on back”. Should be made clear on how to start the game.
Then I pressed space and could play a nice game remake. Lovely done !

In single player both sets of controls should work…
Id prefer WSAD and space, and in 2 players i think Right Ctrl might be a better key for fire just throwing it out there.

I noticed the stargates, you should have Puddlejumpers and/or F302s, if u like the idea of using the mouse for homing drones or something I’ve got a jumper and f302 model you could use.

Thanks for the feedback guys!

Votekick, thanks for the offer and your model looks great but I’m planning to change the star gates to my own design so I’ll feel better if I don’t take from stargate at all.