try my new action survival game with day night cycle.

Paradise Defense 1.1

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A new experiment from Dr.Nice go wrong and robots created by him are all over the world harvesting precious natural resources from our planet to build new robots. Your mission is to destroy this robot army by going to their current destination at remote Paradise Island and save mother nature.


The game is rather interesting to play but with only two enemy types and a mostly flat terrain with only trees it gets rather boring after a while. Good job on what you have so far. Heres a few questions and ideas to help make it a little more fun -

Adding a button to run faster.
More weapons
When you highlight an item in the menu screen have that menu item change color or brightness
More enemy types(E.G. one could burrow under the ground until night time then come up. Another big boss type every few rounds or so)
Spawn enemies outside the view of the player.

Why is there a day night cycle?
Do enemys get stronger at night?
Or do certain enemies only come out at night?
Why Machines?
Is there a mad scientist on the island that made them?
Are they your own inventions gone rogue?

Hope this was helpful. Good job on what you have so far and good luck.

Its actually pretty fun but like “slkjdfv” said, you need to make it a bit more interesting. A plot and more weapons wouldn’t hurt. Other than that I like the gameplay and the character and the hovering enemies, just needs to be shaken up a bit. Also, i’m looking for a project to do 3D modeling/scripting in so if you need someone or want some help PM me please. I can’t model characters though.

Would be nice if the enemies weren’t directly out of the Unity Tech Demo “Angry Bots”. (Based on Screenshots).

Also a WebPlayer or MacOSX version would increase your audience.

in night it is hard to see the pickups like health and detonators.

Was about to suggest same thing. brighten up the item textures a bit or as some glow to the items, like an aura. Otherwise brighten up the area a bit at night.

Good work, it is progressing good job. :slight_smile:

Try Paradise Defense 1. 1 now.

issue has been resolved

try web player version at Kongregate

It dosent link to kongregate it links to this thread? just notifing you :smile:

link is fixed play Paradise defense at

Here is the screenshot.

Game contains 7 types of enemies, 4 types of weapons and 2 boss fights.