Try to customise the AR template in Unity 6 Preview but unsuccessful
Hello folk,
I am excited to try to use the new version of Unity 6 AR templata. It is so great that we can now simply head start AR project because the prefabs have transformation features (rotation, translate and rescale).
However, when I import asset prefabs from Asset Store, it can only be called to appear in scene but cannot be transformed. I don’t know what makes the template prefabs can do the transformation but my imported asset game object can’t.
Here is what I did:
- import the game object from the Asset Store.
- In XR Origin (AR Rig) → Camera Offset → Object Spawner, add one more element in the object Prefabs and then drag and drop the imported prefabs to the box
- In UI → Object Menu Animator → Scroll View → Viewport → Content, I add one more button (add one more On Click so that the prefab will be sprawned. Afterwards, I change the image of ObjectIcon into the image of my imported prefabs.
- I added 3 script to my prefab, to mimic how other templates behave.
- I added the game objects the same other prefabs have, to view it by double clicking the prefab
I hope you could shed me some lights, thanks a lot for your attention!