I have a UI element that I want to dynamically add panels to. The panel is a prefab with two text fields inside it.
I created a class for the prefab, and the two text components are assigned to it in the inspector :
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System.Collections;
public class ListController : MonoBehaviour {
public Text TextName, TextDescription;
I then have a function which can instantiate the prefab, but im not able to access the components?
void myFunction()
GameObject newItemInList = Instantiate( myPrefab ) as GameObject;
ListController controller = newItemInList.GetComponent();
controller.TextName.text = "foo";
controller.TextDescription.text = "bar";
Apparently this is not an acceptable usage of GetComponent(); ? Ive written it this way cause I saw it used like this in a tutorial, only mine is saying GetComponent in this context “cannot be inferred from the usage”