Trying to Alter Levels

Version 5.5

I know how to get the levels to change properly with earlier versions of Unity

Application.LoadLevel(Application.loadedLevel + 1)

however, I cannot seem to find the SceneManager version of this because Application.LoadLevel is an obsolete function in Unity 5.5.

I am new to Unity but I think the equivalent of this would be:

Scene activeScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene ();
SceneManager.LoadScene (activeScene.buildIndex + 1);

Don’t forget to type:

using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

at the top of the script.

I should note that there is something about asset bundles on the documentation so here is the link, because I don’t know anything about that.

You can name activeScene whatever you like, within reason. I just used activeScene as an example.

I am pretty sure GetActiveScene was exactly what I was after thanks I must have skimmed past it when reading the docs and did not see it when when I was reading about the SceneManager Static functions. Thanks again it was really starting to irritate me.