trying to cast shadows in 2d game, help!

hello i’m working on a 2d side scroller game and i’m trying to add some light to my level to make it more visual attractive.

so far, i have added to directional lights, one in the background layer to be used as a sun light with a bit of yellow touch and one directional light to the floor sprites, both are working fine, but i want to create some kind of shadows on my floor but don’t know how, i checked “cast shadows” on the directional light of the floor layer and i have added a sphere to see if it cast shadow on the floor without any results.

here is the image of my level with ilumination, i just want to cast shadow below the trees, any ideas will be helpful

thanks in advance for all your help.

Shadows won’t work if using the sprite renderer. A sprites/diffuse shader will allow sprites to be effected by lighting but not cast or receive shadows. You’d have to transfer the sprites to quads and create a material with the appropriate image added under the albedo field. Use the cutout rendering mode for anything not square. Will mean a material per sprite though. There may be cleaner ways to do it but that’s the way I can think of right now.

Or just create a few shadow sprites manually and scale/rotate depending on where they’re being used. Shadows don’t have to be an exact representation to achieve the right visual effect.

thank you for the information jackhearts, i will try both methods