Trying to complete `Ruby's Adventure: 2D Beginner Tutorial` and there is no option for tile when you try to create a tile for the `World Design` tutorial

I am trying to complete Ruby's Adventure: 2D Beginner Tutorial and there is no option for tile when you try to create a tile for the World Design tutorial.

I set everything up correctly adding the assets for 2D Beginner: Tutorial Resources and the tile map editor, but it still is not working. I tried this on two different versions of Unity 2020.3.48f1 and 2022.3.8f1 and neither has it. I checked and double-checked the package manager to see if everything was actually installed and I closed the software and re-opened it again to make sure everything was updated, but it still did nothing to the drop-down menu for create. The tutorial shows that sprites and tiles are their own options under create when you right-click in the project view, but for me the only option for sprites is located under 2D when you right-click and choose create, however there is not an option for tiles under 2D. I just need to know what I am doing wrong.

Do I need to select another version, yet again; I have completed the first 2 tutorials 3 times now trying to get it to work.

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