I work for an e-learning company as a flash developer. Mainly i turn their educational content into flash components. Sadly their not the most ambitious lot and i want to change their minds or at least give them fresh idea’s when coming up with project concepts.
Now I’ve been granted the chance to create a 3D demo with Unity. I see this as a golden opportunity to show them what’s possible with today’s tech and i don’t want it to be a let down.
Basically it’s going to be a short e-learning demo regarding some warehouse rules when riding a forklift.
The idea is to be able to drive a forklift around in a small 3d map, where you can pick up crates and put them in the correct spaces without the crate falling from the truck or the truck running into things or tipping over.
Now i was wondering if the more experienced unit3d user would be willing to share their insight and give me some perspective on how to tackle these kinds of interactions.
my knowledge of Unity3D thus far is as far as the 2 Tutorials go.
First of all, I’m not one of the “power users” on this forum in the sense of having used the software for countless aeons…years, I mean ^^. Anyway, as I see you coming from Flash to Unity3D the first question is about your experience in modeling? I guess you already have the skills to script from ActionScript. Also, have you done the - entire - 3D tutorial (I think you were alluding to that in your post), because that would definitely enlight most basic topics that you would encounter in a small production. If you have already been through that, you’re really only left with getting someone to do all the 3D modeling for you, and then moving on to the scripting side of things.
I do hope this helps you at least a bit. If it’s worth anything Unity is extremely easy to work with, even for a person with only thin knowledge about coding. Gotta motivate the new users on this forum! Best of luck to you.
See DaveyJJ’s Bananna Warehouse widgetmonkeys.com I’m betting that’s similar to what you want to produce. I don’t think that took him very long to get working.
Hi and thanks for the replies.
yes i did both tutorials and i can see what to edit to get things working. My 3d modeling skills are decent enough to get a mock up going, thankfully.
However as i read the tutorials properly it was said that the character controller component didn’t deal with physics as it should as to make the game play more friendly for the player.
Say i have this forklift truck but i want it to be affected by physics like acceleration, friction and gravity so that it could fall off an uneven ledge or if it brakes to fast, a crate might fall off. The way i understood it i would have to use the Rigid Body components to get this effect right?
The banana warehouse widget is a step in the right direction yeah personally i’d like to add some functionality to the fork part so the user could raise it up and down
Correct, the CharacterController is really only for FPS style games. A rigidbody + the AddForce and AddTorque functions are probably what you will mostly use in the beginning.